Régions: North Slave Region, South Slave Region
étiquettes: physical sciences, mining, permafrost, soil, land use planning, environmental baseline
chercheur principal: | Lennie-Misgeld, Peter (10) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 14505 |
Organisation: | Jacques Whitford AXYS |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | avr. 07, 2009 |
Équipe de projet: | Christiane Brouwer (Soil Scientist, Jacques Whitford), Olivier Piraux (Terrain Scientist, Jacques Whitford), Daniel Fortier (Permafrost Scientist, Jacques Whitford) |
Objectif(s): Data and information regarding the soil, terrain and permafrost regime is needed to better characterize the regime of these disciplines in and around the Thor Lake Area. This information will be used to support future environmental permitting and environmental management of Avalon Ventures Ltd. proposed Thor Lake Rare Earth Metals Project.
Description du projet: Soil samples will be taken from representative sites in order to complete soil reclamation suitability assessment. Surficial sediments and soils will be described at each pit. In addition, notes will be taken on vegetation, drainage and terrain features, etc. A permafrost survey will consist of drilling shallow holes (<3 m) to determine permafrost conditions. Shallow permafrost drilling will be done using a portable two-man mechanical auger. This type of survey has very little impact on the area of inspection. Data and information regarding the soil, terrain and permafrost regime is needed to better characterize the regime of these disciplines in and around the Thor Lake Area. This information will be used to support future environmental permitting and environmental management of Avalon Ventures Ltd proposed Thor Lake Rare Earth Metals Project. All soil and terrain inspections will be carried out using a shovel and Dutch auger, to a depth of 1.2 m for mineral soils and 1.6 m for organic soils where possible. Soil pit radius will be approximately 30 to 40 cm. For each inspection, the following site conditions will be recorded: global positioning system (GPS) coordinates, surface expression, slope position, aspect, gradient, slope length, drainage, surface stoniness, and parent materials. Shallow permafrost drilling will be done using a portable two-man mechanical auger (same as ice auger). Samples of permafrost rich soil will be taken for laboratory analysis. Average soil sample size will be approximately 1 kg. As much as possible, locals will be employed during the baseline study. Information including data and analysis on surface water hydrology and aquatics in and around Thor Lake will be available to locals and communities for review. The information may provide locals with a more thorough scientific overview of the local surface water hydrology and quality which can be used for various purposes (e.g. land use planning, economic development). As the Thor Lake Project proceeds further into the regulatory process, regulatory review and environmental assessment processes will provide information to affected Aboriginal communities and First Nations. Plain language information and summaries on the proposed research program will also be provided to interested and affected Aboriginal communities, First Nations and other stakeholders. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from May 01 to October 30, 2009, within and adjacent to the Thor Lake Property (62 06’ 27” N; 112 36’ 25”W).