2008 Baseline studies for Avalon Ventures Ltd. proposed Thor Lake Rare Earth Metals Project (Terrain component)

Régions: North Slave Region, South Slave Region

étiquettes: mining, geology, environmental baseline, topography, mapping

chercheur principal: Sibbald, Carey (5)
Nᵒ de permis: 14421
Organisation: Jacques Whitford
Année(s) de permis: 2009 2008
Délivré: sept. 18, 2008
Équipe de projet: Linda Hayward (Soils and Terrain , Jacques Whitford-AXYS), Les Fuller (Soils , Jacques Whitford-AXYS), Shirly McCuaig (Terrain , Jacques Whitford-AXYS), Dennis O'Reary (Terrain , Jacques Whitford-AXYS), Michelle Trommen (Terrain , Jacques Whitford-AXYS), Rob Harris (Terrain, Jacques Whitford-AXYS)

Objectif(s): The objective of this research is to provide baseline information on the terrain in and around the Thor Lake area.

Description du projet: This licence is issued for the scientific research application #912. The objective of this research is to provide baseline information on the terrain in and around the Thor Lake area. Filed observations will allow the researchers to produce a terrain map of the Thor lake area. To do this, the land must be categorized based on landforms, mineral deposits, drainage, slopes and geohazards (for example, potential landslide areas). Soil samples will be taken through approximately 100 small soil pits 1 m deep. Researchers will assess the soil visually and take 1-2 soil samples per pit that will be analysed for its biophysical characteristics. On site geological observations and core rock samples will also be used to characterize whole rock chemistry and determine the potential for acid rock drainage. Permafrost observations will include the instillation of thermistors in existing drill holes to measure ground temperatures. The permafrost will also be documented with photos. Data and analysis on the fish population in and around the Thor Lake site will be made available to communities and the Aurora Research Institute to be included in their library. The fieldwork for this research will be conducted from September 18 to December 31, 2008 within and adjacent to the Thor Lake property (62 06' 27" N by 112 36' 25" W).