Régions: Sahtu Settlement Area
étiquettes: social sciences, traditional knowledge, culture
chercheur principal: | Pawluk, Rick D (3) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 14295 |
Organisation: | Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Limited |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | févr. 29, 2008 |
Objectif(s): This study aims to gather existing as well as unrecorded traditional knowledge, and produce a report that will provide specific Traditional Knowledge for use in the Mackenzie Gas Project.
Description du projet: This study aims to gather existing as well as unrecorded traditional knowledge, and produce a report that will provide specific Traditional Knowledge for use in the Mackenzie Gas Project. Xahweguweh/Yamoga Land and Financial Corporation is establishing a Working Group of knowledgeable community members to provide guidance and to determine the Traditional Knowledge subject areas to be collected, the levels of community participation and community members to be interviewed. The Working Group will review and approve maps and reports produced during the study. It is anticipated that the Study will document information related to wildlife, birds, fisheries, vegetation, historical/cultural/spiritual sites, climate, soil conditions, hydrology, hydrogeology, human health, and potential social and environmental issues. Traditional Knowledge is the property of the holder and thus the community of Fort Good Hope will decide if and how the information will be distributed. The confidential nature of the information is recognized and MGP cannot release the information of the study report. Information about the study process can be found in the regulatory documents. Fort Good Hope organizations and local community researchers will participate in this study. Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Limited has contracted Ne'Rahten Developments to undertake the study. Community residents will be employed as researchers, technicians and translators. In addition, the community will gain computing resources and have previously unrecorded traditional knowledge documented. Fieldwork will be conducted from March 01 to December 31, 2008 in and around the community of Fort Good Hope on lands traditionally used by community members which may be susceptible to potential effects from the Mackenzie Gas Project. Community members and members of the Traditional Knowledge Study Working Group will determine the precise study area.