Regional Geochemistry Survey, Mackenzie Mountains NWT

Régions: Gwich'in Settlement Area, Sahtu Settlement Area

étiquettes: physical sciences, geochemistry, sediment, erosion, catchment drainage

chercheur principal: Falck, Hendrik (8)
Nᵒ de permis: 14204
Organisation: Northwest Territories Geoscience Office
Année(s) de permis: 2007
Délivré: juil. 24, 2007
Équipe de projet: Andrea Mills (Co-leader, NTGO), Steven Day (Co-leader, Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa)

Objectif(s): The objective of this study is to collect stream silts on first order streams on a regional basis at a density of one sample every 13 Km2 across the target area. Heavy mineral concentrate samples will be collected at a density of one sample every 25 km2. The samples will be dried, labeled and shipped to various laboratories for cataloging and analysis.

Description du projet: The objective of this study is to collect stream silts on first order streams on a regional basis at a density of one sample every 13 Km2 across the target area. Heavy mineral concentrate samples will be collected at a density of one sample every 25 km2. The samples will be dried, labeled and shipped to various laboratories for cataloging and analysis. A team of 2 field workers would use a helicopter to collect samples of stream and river’s sand and mud. A spot would be found every 13km2 and they would wade into the creek and take a couple of shovelfuls (about 25 pounds) of stream sediments. The sediments have been eroded from the valley walls. If there are metals in the valley they would show up as some of the sand and silt grains. The samples will be analyzed in a commercial chemistry lab to identify the elements in the stream mud. Water samples to characterize the conditions at the time of sample collection will al... Plus de résultatsso be analyzed. Visits to present preliminary results to the communities are expected to occur in conjunction with other NTGO staff visits and as outlined by the PAS. This project has been discussed with local community groups and concerns have been raised. The licence is being issued with the understanding that an agreement has been reached and confidentiality conditions will be met by the researcher and his team. Fieldwork will be conducted from July 24 to September 30, 2007 at the region of the upper Ramparts River and upper Arctic Red & Bonnet Plume Rivers. Afficher moins