Close Encounters: Continued Investigations into 19th-20th Century Copper Inuit and European Intersocietal Interaction
chercheur principal: Johnson, Donald S. (4)
Nᵒ de permis: 14168
Organisation: Dept. Anthropology, University of Manitoba and Lakehead University
Année(s) de permis: 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Délivré: mai 14, 2007
Équipe de projet: Mr. Jack Kataoyak (Research Asst., boat driver, facilitator, Olokhaktomiut HTC), Ms. Alice Kimiksana (or substitute if unavailable) (Interpreter/Translator, Ulukhaktok, NT)

Description du projet: Project a: essentially fifth year of research (sixth-year if associated work in 2000 is counted), and seeks to continue heretofore successful investigations into the nature, substance and long-term effects of contact between Copper Inuit and Europeans/Eurocanadians in the 19th and 20th centuries utilizing sociocultural, archaeological, and economic methodologies, b. Project seeks to initiate a collaborative longitudinal cultural sites survey for research purposes, and critically, for the ultimate usage of Community of Holman. Research/service/collaboration are keys to both projects which will hopefully continue in long-term. Outboard motor boat(s), standard cassette recorder, standard and digital cameras for all activities. Laptop computer with software database. Project team will meet in Ulukhaktok, review previous work, coordinate activities in community and, in the field. As in the past, all results will be communicated to Ulukhaktok Community Corp., Hamlet of Ulukhaktok,and members, individuals and the Community of Ulukhaktok at large, via on-site presentations to community, boards, and individuals. Completed reports, articles, papers are always sent to individuals,the Ulukhaktok Community Corporation, and others. Additionally, reports, papers, articles, etc. are communicated to Aurora Research Institute and, Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, and other institutions. As in the past four years, there will be ample and growing opportunity for local involvement including: 1. Project staff (Research Asst., translater, facilitator, compensated informants, etc. 2. Continued involvement in project research, and, methods of research including ethnographic and archaeological techniques. 3. Project will need logistic support from community, most supplies are purchased in community, housing while in Uluhaktok, etc. The study will be conducted at Community of Ulukhaktok (Holman), Northwest Territories and environs, Lat. 70.44.00 Long. 117.45.00 Ulukhaktok (Holman), Northwest Territories and environs, Lat. 70.44.00 Long. 117.45.00