UrEnergy 2006 Screech Lake Baseline Program
chercheur principal: Schryer, Rick P. (9)
Nᵒ de permis: 14070
Organisation: Golder Associates Ltd.
Année(s) de permis: 2006
Délivré: août 28, 2006
Équipe de projet: Sharon Vogel (Field Crew, Golder Associates), Katherine Gerein (Field Crew, Golder Associates), Patrick Enzo (Field Assistant, Lutsel K'ue), Rick Schryer (Project Director, Golder Associates)

Description du projet: Sampling of water, sediment, benthic invertebrates, fish inventories, and fish habitat mapping will be done. Water will be collected for chemical analysis, and limnology measurements taken. Sediment will be collected for chemical analysis and particle size analysis. Benthic invertebrates will be collected for taxonomic identification. Fish species, presence and relative abundance will be determined. Ten fish (five Arctic grayling and five lake trout) from either Screech Lake or the outflow stream will be sacrificed for chemical analysis. Analyses of water, sediment, and fish tissue will include determination of heavy metal and radionuclide concentrations. Equipment will include water meters, bottom grabs for sediment and benthic invertebrates, fish nets, and minnow traps. Meetings will be held in communities to present the results of the study. Transportation to the UrEnergy Camp will be by helicopter, and by boat at the site. The study will occur over eight days in August 2006 at Screech Lake (62° 44'2.32" N, 104°40'1.74" W), Screech Lake inflow (62° 45' 05.24" N to 62°44' 52.38" N by 104° 38' 11.28" W to 104° 39' 13.60" W) Screech Lake outflow to the Thelon River (62° 44' 44.88" N to 62° 43' 59.65" N by 104° 41' 04.46 W to 104° 44' 34.61" W).