Adapting to Environmental Change in the North: Traditional Knowledge, Social Capital and Adaptive Capacity in the Slave River Delta
chercheur principal: Wesche, Sonia D (7)
Nᵒ de permis: 14066
Organisation: Wilfrid Laurier University
Année(s) de permis: 2007 2006
Délivré: août 29, 2006
Équipe de projet: Dr. Derek Armitage (Supervisor, Wilfrid Laurier University)

Description du projet: The Slave River Delta provides important resources for residents of Fort Resolution; however, changes in climate are already affecting the health of this ecosystem, requiring people to adapt. Projects like this one are required to understand change and human responses to change, in order to improve capacity-building and planning. Specific objectives include: 1) developing a framework of trends and indicators of environmental change, impacts and adaptations based on traditional knowledge (TK) ; 2) examining how existing social capital influences local adaptive capacity; 3) developing a methodological framework for more effective integration of TK with scientific approaches for environmental change research; and 4) determining how results from an interdisciplinary analysis of TK and natural science can be applied to regional ecosystem management. Year 3 of this four-year project (formerly known as “Flood History and Climate Change in the Slave River Delta”) will entail community presentations and workshops to verify and communicate research findings from previous years’ work. If needed, continuation of semi-structured interviews, focus groups and participant observation (through guided on-the-land trips) will take place. Written reports will be provided to local government offices, and will be available to community members upon request. Research activities will take place from September 15 to December 22, 2006 in Fort Resolution.