13 record(s) found with the tag "environmental adaptation" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Ecological Structure of Northern Arthropods: Adaptation to a Changing Environment
Principal Investigator: Buddle, Chris
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2011
Summary: The objectives of this research project are: (1) To test how and to what degree the structure of arthropod communities changes between the northern boreal (Norman Wells and Yellowknife, NT), sub arctic (Ogilvie Mountains, YT, and Kugluktuk, NU), and high arctic (Aulavik National Park, NT, and Cambridge Bay, NU) zones. This will provide a contemporary geographic profile of species and group distri...

Linking Place Identity, Environmental Change and Adaptation in the Context of Changing Water Conditions in Fort Resolution, NT
Principal Investigator: Fresque, Jennifer A
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010
Summary: The purpose of this research is to investigate the link between place identity and adaptation to environmental change with specific emphasis on water, to develop a holistic picture of how adaptation takes place in Fort Resolution. There are three main objectives: 1. To identify and highlight the extent to which there have been changes in water quality and quantity in the Slave River Delta (SRD) a...

Things Change, We Change: Planning for Community Resilience in the Canadian Arctic
Principal Investigator: Parewick, Kathleen S
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006
Summary: This licence has been issued to the scientific research licence application #577. The application was distributed for community consultation and approved between April and June, 2007, but the researcher was unable to conduct the fieldwork last year. Activities were postponed for 2008. This collaborative project explores how local planning and development functions might serve to build commun...

Adapting to Environmental Change in the North: Traditional Knowledge, Social Capital and Adaptive Capacity in the Slave River Delta
Principal Investigator: Wesche, Sonia D
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006
Summary: This research aims to examine how traditional knowledge and social capital can be used to improve understandings of change and responses to change through capacity building and planning, in a complex delta environment. Specific objectives include: a) developing a framework of trends and indicators of environmental change, impacts and adaptations based on traditional knowledge, b) examining how exi...

Mental Health and the Natural Environment
Principal Investigator: Johnston, Jennifer L
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Summary: This Master’s level research project aims to explore the relationship between mental wellness and the natural environment. As part of exploring this relationship, the research will delve into the significance of 'going out on the land' for Aboriginal people in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Factors such as the erosion of natural landscapes, species endangerment and the continued disconnection o...

Biocomplexity of frost-boil ecosystems
Principal Investigator: Walker, Donald A
Licensed Year(s): 2006 2005 2004 2003
Summary: The central goal of this project is to understand the complex linkages between biogeochemical cycles, vegetation, disturbance, and climate across the full summer temperature gradient in the Arctic in order to better predict ecosystem responses to changing climate. A group of 4-6 researchers will fly to Green Cabin on Banks Island, on to Mould Bay on Prince Patrick Island, and then to Isachsen o...

Aboriginal Housing Assessment: Community Design Needs and Preferences
Principal Investigator: Hardess, Lisa
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: This study is part of a national program to gather information on Aboriginal housing design needs and preferences and on the use of local materials for housing construction by Aboriginal communities in Canada. One staff member of the Centre for Indigeno...

Environment Adaptation in Arctic Aquatic Organisms
Principal Investigator: Ballantyne, James
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Summary: This project will examine the adaptation of freshwater fish to low temperatures. The data to be collected includes blood and tissue samples from fish. These samples will be analyzed for enzymes, fats and proteins. These results will be compared to samples taken from other locations (e.g. Nunavut, southern waters). This work will provide important information relating the sensitivity of Arctic ...

Metabolism of Arctic Organisms
Principal Investigator: Ballantyne, J.S.
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The research will determine the kinds of fats of Arctic fish and invertebrates found in various parts of the body (blood, liver, kidney, muscle, brain) and how they change when the fish move from freshwater into seawater or when the temperature changes. The studies will determine how Arctic animals are different from similar animals found in warmer climates and how Arctic animals are adapted to Ar...

Reproductive Biology of Arctic Dwarf Birch, "Betula glandulosa"
Principal Investigator: Weis, Michael
Licensed Year(s): 1989 1988
Summary: Dr. Weis is continuing his investigations into how dwarf birch reproduce. He will be measuring and weighing parts of dwarf birch to see if Iqaluit birch have fewer catkins than those farther south and if all the dwarf birch that live in one area produce the same number of catkins. He can then answer questions about the influence of different climates on sexual (catkins) and asexual (shoots from r...