Distribution of Dark-Celled Fungal Root Endophytes Along an Arctic to Boreal Latitudinal Gradient
chercheur principal: Piercey, Melissa (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 13124
Organisation: University of Alberta
Année(s) de permis: 2000
Délivré: juin 05, 2000
Équipe de projet: self

Objectif(s): Roots of plants inhabiting cold-stressed environments are often colonized by vegetatively reproducing fungi with deeply pigmented cell walls (e.g... Phialocephala fortinii P.). This research will study sexual reproduction of Phialocephala fortinii P.

Description du projet: Roots of plants inhabiting cold-stressed environments are often colonized by vegetatively reproducing fungi. The researcher will examine the genetic variation within and among populations of Phialocephala fortinii P. along a latitudinal gradient encompassing the boreal, subarctic and arctic zones in Northern Canada. The researcher will travel from Yellowknife to 3 study sites surrounding Great Slave Lake. At each site a portion of root material from 8 willow plants and some soil will be removed. From this the fungi will be isolated. As well a small sample of leaf material will be collected.