Thematic structural stratigraphic, and geochronological studies of the Slave structural province.
chercheur principal: Bleeker, Wouter (7)
Nᵒ de permis: 12918
Organisation: Geol. Survey of Canada
Année(s) de permis: 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994
Délivré: juin 09, 1997
Équipe de projet: Dr. John Waldron, Dr. Walter Roert, Dr. John Ketchum, Dr.Bill Davis, Dr. Richard Stern, Dr. Kathryne Bethune, Brian Shane Wilksinson

Objectif(s): To improve the geological understanding of the Slave Province in general and specific key areas in more detail (eg. area northeast of Yellowknife known as the "Sleepy Dragon Complex", and the Acarta gneiss complex" etc.) This will contribute to a new geological map for the Slave Geological Province.

Description du projet: Map and describe the various rock types and assess their role in the complex geological history of the Slave Province. Fly-in / fly-out camps with small airplanes and small campsites to make daily traverses by boat or foot to study the local rocks. Small samples will be taken of interesting rocks; samples are fist sized.