The impact of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement on the Inuvialuit

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

étiquettes: social sciences, economics, governance, land claim, Inuvialuit

chercheur principal: Bone, Robert M. (2)
Nᵒ de permis: 12560
Organisation: University of Saskatchewan
Année(s) de permis: 1994
Délivré: janv. 01, 1994
Équipe de projet: J. Saku, P. McPherson, B. Moffat

Objectif(s): To determine: (1) the impact, if any, that the Inuvialuit Final Agreement has had on economic development; (2) differences, if any, between the Inuvialuit people and communities and their neighbours (whose land claims are just being implemented). These questions will be answered by collecting data on socio-economic conditions of 1981 and 1991.

Description du projet: The Inuvialuit Final Agreement has brought much change to the Western Arctic. This Agreement has involved the transfer of capital, land and political power to the Inuvialuit. This study hopes to determine the effect of the IFA on the Inuvialuit. The researchers will collect data from public sources (Statistics Canada censuses, Labour Force surveys) as well as reports provided by the Inuvialuit in order to compare conditions of 1981 with those of 1991.