Principal Investigator:Ostertag, Sonja K Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 6103.
This project hasthree main objectives:
1) To combine traditional knowledge and academic science tools to co-develop traditional knowledge and food calendars in the ISR;
2) To learn about the country foods eaten by Inuvialuit children, youth, adults and Elders in the ISR, how this has changed over time and if there ...
Principal Investigator:Sonnentag, Oliver Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5958.
The main objective of this project is to understand the perceptions of Indigenous community members, from the ISR and/or the GSA, of how wildfires have modified, and might modify, the landscape and their relationship with it.
The Principle Investigator will conduct a dozen semi-structured interviews with community...
Principal Investigator:Parlee, Brenda L Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5673.
The objectives of this study are:
1. options for elements of the Harvest Study that reflect both scientific best practice and community-specific needs and priorities, including timing of the survey, how to record observations on the health of animals and the land, observations of pressures and stresses on harvest ac...
Principal Investigator:Tod-Tims, Cahley Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4504.
The primary goal of this research is to examine the following research questions using qualitative methods: 1) between whom, involving the transfer of which resources (food, money, equipment), and under what circumstances is country food currently exchanged? and, 2) what are the local desires for and concerns towards ...
Principal Investigator:Giles, Audrey R. Licensed Year(s):
20182017 Summary:
The objective of this project is to better understand how Project Jewel’s on-the-land programming offers culturally safe and trauma and violence informed programs that meet the self-identified needs of residents of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.
The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) as the community partner in this research project will be the owner of the data and control the research p...
Principal Investigator:Berthelin, Signe Rix Licensed Year(s):
2014 Summary:
Every language has its own system for talking about things. The Principle Investigator (PI) wishes to study how to talk about ‘modal meanings’ in Inuvialuktun. Examples of modal suffixes in Uummarmiutun are 'huknaq', ‘viaq’, 'lla', 'rakrari' and 'rukrau'. English examples are 'must', 'might' and 'can'. I am interested in studying a) what we say if we use suffixes like 'viaq' or 'rukrau' in a sente...
Principal Investigator:Collignon, Beatrice M. Licensed Year(s):
The main goal of this project is to gather data about how much Ulukhaktuurmiut do travel outside of their area and to understand how they feel about travelling to other lands and places, in order to:
1- Acknowledge the fact that travelling is as important today as it was in the past. People still travel a lot on the land, to familiar places, but also travel to other lands and places. One outcom...
Principal Investigator:Kelvin, Laura E Licensed Year(s):20152014
The primary objectives of this research are to: 1) begin documenting traditional knowledge of Banks Island that could contribute to our understanding of life on the island in the past; 2) identify similarities and differences between Inuvialuit and archaeological values, priorities and understandings of the past; 3) work with Sachs Harbour community members to develop culturally appropriate questi...
Principal Investigator:Reinfort, Breanne C Licensed Year(s):
201120102009 Summary:
The short-term objectives of this research project are to:
- bring forward indigenous perspectives on contaminants, contaminant research, and how research is communicated and made accessible to communities;
- discuss contaminants issues in the context of their applicability to the daily lives of community members, and in the broader context of local and scientific knowledge of climate variabilit...
Principal Investigator:Fabijan, Michael F Licensed Year(s):
The study will focus on collecting information from Inuvialuit elders and harvesters. Of particular interest are community issues and concerns, local knowledge and recommendations with respect to the potential effects of the proposed project.
Participants will be asked to discuss their perceptions of the potential effects of the project on community health and wellness, their knowledge of tradi...