Régions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut
étiquettes: social sciences, historical data, women, Inuit, violence, values
chercheur principal: | Orozco, Maria Eugenia (3) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 12069 |
Organisation: | Department of Anthropology, Universite Laval |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | janv. 01, 1992 |
Équipe de projet: | None |
Objectif(s): To continue research begun in 1991; to investigate the nature, extent and causes of domestic violence in Inuit society; to examine the impact this type of violence has on women and on the family structure; to examine the way in which different generations respond to this problem, the changing family values and the relations between the sexes; to identify the factors associated to domestic violence and the variables that could be specific to Inuit culture;
Description du projet: In liaison with the Baffin Regional Agvvik Society, the researcher will investigate the context of violence and the meanings and interpretations that women and men attach to these events. Additional research as to the historical rate of incidence of this phenomenon will also be examined.