Mackenzie Delta Hydrology and Ecosystem Interactions
chercheur principal: Marsh, Philip (37)
Nᵒ de permis: 11125
Organisation: National Hydrology Research Institute, Environment Canada
Année(s) de permis: 1993 1992 1991
Délivré: janv. 01, 1991
Équipe de projet: B. Reid

Objectif(s): To determine the processes controlling the water balance of delta lakes; to determine the spatial variation in the hydrologic regime of delta lakes; to study the effect of rising sea level on delta hydrology; to develop models to predict lake levels under natural and altered regions, including climate change and hydroelectric development; to evaluate the role of interactions between hydrologic services of water and biogeochemical process in controlling the mass balance of ecologically important nutrients;

Description du projet: The research will study changes in the water levels of a variety of lakes in the Mackenzie Delta. Investigations will include consideration of factors controlling the lake levels, introduction of floodwater from the Mackenzie River, rainfall on to the lake, smowmelt runoff into the lakes and evaporation from the lakes.