4 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Tallman, Ross" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés):
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Genetic assessment of Inconnu (Stenodus leucichthys) in Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories
chercheur principal: Tallman, Ross F
Année(s) de permis: 2017
Résumé: The objective is to use Inconnu genetic samples to differentiate the inconnu populations residing in Great Slave Lake. If inconnu are philopatric (return to their natal spawning grounds) than each river should consist of a genetically distinct population. Methods include using gill nets to capture between 30 to 50 Inconnu per location (along Buffalo River, Buffalo Lake and Taltson River). Nets...

Population abundance and vital rates of fish harvested from lakes along the Mackenzie Valley pipeline route: Yeltea Lake 2006
chercheur principal: Tallman, Ross F
Année(s) de permis: 2006
Résumé: This study involves the assessment of valued fishes in lakes along the proposed Mackenzie Pipeline route. There is little information on fish populations in any of the smaller inland lakes of the region. Through community consultation in Fort Good Hope it was determined that Yeltea Lake should be studied. Yeltea Lake is utilized by residents for sustenance (containing lake trout, broad whitefish, ...

Modeling of migratory patterns to spawning and over-wintering areas of harvested fish species in rivers along the Mackenzie Valley pipeline route
chercheur principal: Tallman, Ross F
Année(s) de permis: 2006
Résumé: The goal of this study is to gather information about fish and fish habitat to minimize and monitor impacts associated with the proposed Mackenzie Gas Pipeline. Broad whitefish, inconnu, arctic cisco and lake whitefish are the major fish species taken in subsistence fisheries in the Mackenzie Valley. These species are highly migratory and are targeted by multiple fisheries along their migration ro...

Broad whitefish population study and traditional knowledge
chercheur principal: Tallman, Ross F
Année(s) de permis: 1993 1992
Résumé: The researchers will work with other scientists to examine the broad whitefish of the Mackenzie River and associated tributaries of the Arctic Red and Peel Rivers. Features such as population size, migration, growth, age of sexual maturity and mortality will be examined. A study of the traditional knowledge of broad whitefish and fishing in the Mackenzie River will also be developed. Training i...