8 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Chiperzak, Doug" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés):
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Dempster Hwy Km 40.2 fish and fish habitat assessment
chercheur principal: Chiperzak, Doug
Année(s) de permis: 2021
Résumé: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5069. The goal is to conduct a fish and fish habitat assessment at watercourse at Km 40.2 on Dempster Highway. At the site the fish and fish habitat survey will be conducted at six stream transects established 100 m upstream, 50 m upstream, centerline, 100 m downstream, 200 m downstream, and 300 downstream. Where poss...

Fish Habitat and Hydrotechnical Assessments along the Proposed Mackenzie Valley Highway
chercheur principal: Chiperzak, Doug
Année(s) de permis: 2021
Résumé: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5060. The goal is to collect baseline fish, fish habitat and hydrotechnical data for selected watercourses along the proposed Mackenzie Valley Highway to support engineering design and the regulatory process. Fish habitat will be assessed along 100 m reaches upstream and downstream of each potential watercourse crossing....

Aquatic Baseline Studies in Support of Mackenzie Valley Highway
chercheur principal: Chiperzak, Doug
Année(s) de permis: 2020
Résumé: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4822. The goal is to collect baseline fish and fish habitat data for two sections of the proposed Mackenzie Valley Highway; Prohibition Creek Access Road (PCAR) and Mount Gadet Access Road (MGAR). Data collected will support engineering design and regulatory process to construct these segments of the highway. A desktop s...

2018 Fisheries and Hydrotechnical Assessments
chercheur principal: Chiperzak, Doug
Année(s) de permis: 2018
Résumé: The objectives of the fisheries and hydrotechnical assessments is to collect the necessary data to inform the design of new crossing structures to be built. At each crossing location, fish Habitat will be assessed (Gunghi Creek, Hwy 8 km 266.1, and Hwy 8 km 147.0; Oscar Creek and Great Bear River; and, Frank Channel and Behchoko Access Road). Fish habitat will be assessed by using cross-channel...

Devon Tuk 2 Gas Development 2006 Field Assessment Program
chercheur principal: Chiperzak, Doug
Année(s) de permis: 2006
Résumé: Biophysical and heritage resource surveys will take place in late summer and fall, and contribute to the assessment of a potential development projects (the Tuk 2 M-18 well site and connecting pipeline to Parsons Lake and the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline) located in the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, about 12 km southeast of Tuktoyaktuk and 125 km northeast of Inuvik. The field assessment will involve four s...

Inconnu anchor tagging and radio tagging migratory study
chercheur principal: Chiperzak, Doug
Année(s) de permis: 1996
Résumé: A sample of potential spawners (inconnu) will be tagged (30 radio tags and up to 300 anchor tags) in the area of shingle point, Coney Lake and possible other areas in the outer delta. fish will be captured using a combination of gillnets, box traps, angling, and seining. Tracking of radio tagged inconnu will be done from a fixed wing aircraft. Recapture information from tagged fish captured in ...

Turbot Fishery Exploratory
chercheur principal: Chiperzak, Doug
Année(s) de permis: 1993
Résumé: The potential of marine fisheries stocks in the Beaufort Sea to support commercial fisheries is unknown at present. I propose to develop the local expertise to conduct offshore winter fisheries for greenland halibut (turbot) using long-line techniques, and to assess the potential of any stocks present to support a commercial fishery. Data will be collected to assess stock characteristics pertine...

Hydroacoustic Survey of Migratory Coregonids in the Arctic Red River
chercheur principal: Chiperzak, Doug
Année(s) de permis: 1992
Résumé: The researchers will conduct a mobile hydroacoustic survey from a 20 ft. boat using a BioSonics dual-beam echo-sounder and recording system. A limited amount of gillnetting will be conducted to provide groundtruthing information for the acoustic data. Target strength analysis will also be conducted....