Coastal retreat and shoreface dynamics on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

Tags: physical sciences, geology, sediment, bathymetry, coastal erosion, shoreline

Principal Investigator: Hequette, Arnaud (4)
Licence Number: 12464
Organization: Laval University
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992 1991
Issued: Jan 01, 1993
Project Team: M. Desrosiers, S. Campeau, M.-P. Ouellon

Objective(s): To measure rates of coastal retreat; to survey beach morphological changes; to monitor bathymetric variations in the nearshore zone; to map and characterize the physical properties of nearshore and onshore sediments.

Project Description: The research will involve the survey of cliffs and beaches located along the shoreline of the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula near Atkinson Point. This information will assist in determining if the shoreline has changed. Measurements will also be taken for water depth in the nearby lagoons and bays. Sediments will be collected from all sites visited for further laboratory analyses.