2 record(s) found for principal investigator "Pollard, Wayne" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Massive Ice Study in Granular Deposits
Principal Investigator: Pollard, Wayne H
Licensed Year(s): 2006 2005 2004 2003
Summary: This study is an investigation of massive ice in granular deposits in the Mackenzie Delta area and northeastern North Slave region. In March, the team will travel by truck on existing winter roads or by helicopter from Inuvik to sites in the Mackenzie De...

The Investigation of Buried Glacier Ice in Thompson Glacier Moraine
Principal Investigator: Pollard, Wayne H
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1992 1991 1990 1988
Summary: Dr. Pollard and Mark Hinton are examining the characteristics of glacier ice buried at the snout of Thompson Glacier in order to compare this ice with certain ground ice deposits located in the Mackenzie Delta and Yukon Coastal Plain areas....