4 record(s) found for principal investigator "Clayton, Terry" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Lake Trout Movements in Contwoyto Lake
Principal Investigator: Clayton, Terry
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: Researchers will investigate lake trout movements in the vicinity of the Lupin gold mine at Contwoyto Lake. Tagging will be by conventional methods and will also include the use of ultrasonic transmitters which are surgically implanted in lake trout. Fish movements will be monitored at intervals throughout the summer. The primary capture methodology will be angling....

Contaminants study on fish of the Contwoyto Lake area
Principal Investigator: Clayton, Terry
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: The researcher has been commissioned by Echo Bay Mines Ltd. to conduct an assessment of heavy metal contaminants in the fish of Contwoyto and Concession Lakes. Most of the study will concentrate on contaminants in lake trout but analyses will be performed on the tissues of other fish species that are caught. The study will be based out of the Lupin Mine site at Contwoyto Lake....

Arctic grayling young-of-the-year movements and contaminant assessments
Principal Investigator: Clayton, Terry
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: The researchers have been commissioned by Echo Bay Mines Ltd. to conduct a study on young-of-the-year arctic grayling which are located in a small creek near a tailings pond of the Lupin mine site. Approximately 100 hatched arctic grayling will be caught in order that contaminant analyses can be conducted on the tissues....

1992 Fisheries Investigations in the South Basin
Principal Investigator: Clayton, Terry
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The researchers will obtain fisheries, water quality and bathymetric information on Long Lake, as well as obtaining information on the relative abundance of fish in other waterbodies of the South Basin. They will also obtain information on levels of metals in fish tissue from selected South Basin waterbodies....