Arctic grayling young-of-the-year movements and contaminant assessments

Regions: Kitikmeot, Nunavut

Tags: contaminants, mining impacts, fish, arctic grayling

Principal Investigator: Clayton, Terry (4)
Licence Number: 12462
Organization: RL&L Environmental Services Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Issued: Jan 01, 1993
Project Team: RL&L Environmental Services Ltd. personnel

Objective(s): To sample arctic grayling young-of-the-year just after they hatch and begin moving down a small creek adjacent to a tailings pond at the Lupin mine site; to conduct contaminant analyses on the fish tissues.

Project Description: The researchers have been commissioned by Echo Bay Mines Ltd. to conduct a study on young-of-the-year arctic grayling which are located in a small creek near a tailings pond of the Lupin mine site. Approximately 100 hatched arctic grayling will be caught in order that contaminant analyses can be conducted on the tissues.