Principal Investigator:Cosens, Susan Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
In this final year of the study, the researcher will be testing the responses of beluga whales to previously recorded underwater (background) and boat noise. The whales' behaviour to the recorded noises will be measured as a way to determine if belugas alter their behaviour to boat traffic....
Principal Investigator:Cosens, Susan Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and team will apply new tag technology and DNA analysis to a study of site tenacity and industrial disturbance of bowhead whales. They will test the feasibility of using sonic tags to track bowheads underwater and will be testing sampling methods for collecting skin from live whales for DNA analysis....
Principal Investigator:Cosens, Susan Licensed Year(s):199319921991
In consultation and co-operation with the community of Arctic Bay, the Researcher and team will record sounds made by beluga whales. This study is part of a program that was begun in 1986 to determine whether underwater shipping noise interferes with beluga communication....