Principal Investigator:Jacobs, John D. Licensed Year(s):1994
19921991199019881987 Summary:
This research, begun in 1985, involves measuring climate data such as air and ground temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, solar radiation, precipitation and snow depth. Automatic data collecting stations have been set up to measure these data. The purpose of this research is to document a more accurate picture of the region's climate, to obtain information about the past cli...
Principal Investigator:Jacobs, John D. Licensed Year(s):
To carry out micrometeoroligical measurements, mapping, and collection of lake sediments, soils, and plants for analysis. The object is to describe the sequence of post-glacial climate, vegetation, and environmental change....
Principal Investigator:Jacobs, John D. Licensed Year(s):
To undertake field mapping, collect meteorological measurements as well as soil and sediment samples for latter use to analyze for post-glacial climate and environmental change....
Principal Investigator:Jacobs, John D. Licensed Year(s):
To undertake a study of past climates using vegetation surveys, pollen studies and soil sampling techniques. Findings will be correlated to the archaeological record (Dr. M. Maxwell)....