16 record(s) found for principal investigator "Giles, Audrey" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Encouraging Power Boating Safety for Adults and Children/Youth in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region through Research, Education, and Awareness
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2022 2020 2019
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4627. The purpose of this project is to better understand boating-related behaviours, attitudes, and levels awareness of boating safety, as well as to increase training and education opportunities, among residents of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. The research questions are as follows: 1) what are boating behaviours ...

Culturally Appropriate Search and Rescue (SAR) Prevention and Survival Training in the Sahtú Region, Northwest Territories: An On-the-Land Program
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2018
Summary: The research question is "how can on-the-land programming strengthen Sahtu residents’ ability to avoid the need for search and rescue (SAR) and their chances of survival if SAR is needed?" The main objectives of this project are five-fold: i) to provide youth with the opportunity to experience life on-the-land in a safe and controlled environment; ii) to share traditional knowledge from elder...

Culturally Appropriate Search and Rescue (SAR) Prevention and Survival Training in the Sahtú Region, Northwest Territories: An On-the-Land Program
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2017
Summary: The research question is "how can on-the-land programming strengthen Sahtú residents’ ability to avoid the need for search and rescue and their chances of survival if search and rescue is needed?" The main objectives of this project are to: 1) provide youth with the opportunity to experience life on-the-land in a safe and controlled environment; 2) share traditional knowledge from elders to y...

Project Jewel: Using Inuvialuit ways of Knowing to Understand How On-the-Land Programming Can Foster Wellness
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2019 2018 2017
Summary: The objective of this project is to better understand how Project Jewel’s on-the-land programming offers culturally safe and trauma and violence informed programs that meet the self-identified needs of residents of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. This research is deeply rooted within community-based research (CBR) best practices, including the Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession (“OCAP...

Natural resource development, privatized aid, and sport for development in Canada
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2017
Summary: There are three key objectives to this research: First, to investigate how the politics of privatized aid provided by the extractives sector shape sport for development (SFD) initiatives in Canada; second, to examine the benefits and challenges involved in new partnerships between the private companies that fund SFD initiatives, the non-profit organizations (NPOs) that deliver them, and the commun...

Understanding and addressing males' boating safety practices in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2016 2015
Summary: There are three objectives for this research project: I) Understand Northwest Territories (NWT) resident male boaters’ behaviours and attitudes towards water safety. Given that rates of drowning are higher in the NWT, it would be dangerous to assume that male NWT residents have the same attitudes and behaviours concerning boat safety as their female and non-NWT resident counterparts. In particula...

Cultural safety and physical activity in the NWT
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2014
Summary: The overarching research question for the proposed research is, “what enables and/or inhibits female and male Aboriginal peoples in the Northwest Territories to experience cultural safety in group physical activity (PA) programs?” My qualitative, participatory research has three main objectives: i) identify the characteristics that enable/inhibit Aboriginal participants’ experience of PA program a...

NWT Aquatics Program: Long-term impacts
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2014
Summary: This proposed study will explore and compare the lasting impacts that the Northwest Territories (NWT) Aquatics Program has had on previous NWT pool supervisors and pool assistants. The project will address the following research question: What are the lasting impacts the NWT Aquatics Program has had on previous Program employees? The Principal Investigator (PI) believes an exploratory case...

Cultural Safety of Physical Activity Programming for Aboriginal Elders
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2013
Summary: This project seeks to understand the impact of the Elders in Motion (EIM) program, which is a physical activity program developed by the Northwest Territories Recreation and Parks Association (NWTRPA), on past and current participants. It also seeks to understand the challenges that program facilitators and communities have faced in regards to implementing the program and how they have dealt with ...

"Developing" Aboriginal Youth?: An Examination of the NWT Aquatics Program
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Summary: This research project engages with the GNWT and the NWT Recreation and Parks Association, and thus members of the NWT public. The researchers will be conducting archival research of publically-available documents held by each organization. The goal of the research project is to better understand the ways in which sport and recreation programming can better meet northerners' (and especially Aborig...