3 record(s) found with the tag "weathering" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Geological carbon in the Mackenzie River Basin: Sources and sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide
Principal Investigator: Hilton, Robert G
Licensed Year(s): 2017 2013 2011 2010 2009
Summary: The overall aim is to assess the carbon balance of the Mackenzie River Basin and to place constraints on the role of climatic and physical erosion processes in driving carbon dioxide source and sinks to the atmosphere and oceans. More specifically, the researchers aim to quantify the amount of chemical weathering that takes place in the Mackenzie River Basin; to quantify how much weathering of sil...

Licence #2563
Principal Investigator: Watts, S.H.
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To continue a study of rock weathering features associated with sea level salt weathering and other long-term weathering process. Samples will be collected for future study, dating and cataloguing....

Licence #2443
Principal Investigator: Watts, S.H.
Licensed Year(s): 1979
Summary: To investigate various weathering features on what are believed to be unglaciated mountain peaks....