Principal Investigator:Ireland, Margaret Licensed Year(s):
The main objective of this one year project is to provide the community with a practical tool for assessing Jean Marie River’s (JMR’s) vulnerability to food security in relation to country foods, as well as the vulnerability of sources of country foods and drinkable water used by the community members out on the land, in the context of climate change. This tool will consist of a mapping of permafr...
Principal Investigator:Clement, Daniel Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will participate in and observe trapping and fishing techniques and do some interviews with Elijah Padluk and, if possible, with other members of the community (ie., other trappers and hunters), on the vocabulary related to trapping and fishing (ie., names of traps, names of parts of traps, legends related to trapping, etc.). This would probably not amount to more than 15 hours of ...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
This study will examine how climate influences the success of hunting and trapping in the Pond Inlet area. The amount of snowfall and air temperature varies from year to year. Increased snowfall may change the normal range of the cariboo and a very cold winter may result in thick sea ice, affecting the distribution of sea breathing holes and number of polar bear found hunting. The researcher wil...
Principal Investigator:Allen, Wayne E. Licensed Year(s):19941993
The researcher will begin collecting dissertation data on the role of fur trapping in the subsistence economy of Dene people living in the villages of Fort Good Hope and Colville Lake. The study will focus on strategies that sustain common-pool resources as opposed to strategies that attempt to extract "surpluses" for profit....
Principal Investigator:Proulx, Gilbert Licensed Year(s):
To determine the effectiveness of the Kania marten trap an actual trapline consisting of 50 to 60 Kania traps and 50 to 60 of the trapping devices commonly used by trappers will be placed in the Fort Norman area. George Pellissy, local resident and experienced trapper, will assist the researchers with this project....
Principal Investigator:Seidel, Ken Licensed Year(s):
Two trap lines consisting of 60 leghold traps and 60 of the experimental trap will be set in each of the two communities. A local and experienced trapper will be hired to assist in the project. A total of 200 animals, 100 from each community, 50 from each of the two different types of traps, will be taken. All Arctic fox caught in the traps will be purchased from the trapper and sent to Edmonto...
Principal Investigator:Sloggett, Joel Licensed Year(s):
To assess fur harvesting rates and participation in the community of Tuktoyaktuk over the last 10 years through collaboration with and by reviewing existing data collected by such agencies as GNWT Renewable Resources, Inuvialuit Game Council and the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Association; and by conducting household interviews with the approval and in consultation with the Tuktoyaktuk Hamlet...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Shirleen Licensed Year(s):
To study the use of subsistence products. This will involve accompanying people in the bush, for example on spring hunt, as well as interviewing people in the community....
Principal Investigator:McDonnell, Sheila Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a study to determine the current types of economic activity, the amount of wage employment and the extent of renewable resource harvesting, e.g. fishing, hunting, and trapping. The study will also look at the potential for future community- based economic growth....
Principal Investigator:McEachern, John Licensed Year(s):
To study the present level of hunting, fishing and trapping by local inhabitants....