4 record(s) found with the tag "stratigraphy" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Basin Analysis of the Liard Basin.
Principal Investigator: Jowett, David
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team will complete a study of the Cretaceous strata in the Liard Basin area, using micropaleontology, geochemistry and various correlation techniques. Fieldwork will begin on 1 June 2001, and continue through most of July. The research team will access remote rock outcrops by helicopter, or in some cases by inflatable boat on some of the major rivers (Liard River and Petitot River)....

Structure and Stratifigraphy of the Indin Lake Greenstone Belt (detailed bedrock mapping)
Principal Investigator: Pehrsson, Sally J
Licensed Year(s): 1996 1995 1994
Summary: This will be the final summer of work for this phase of mapping in Indin Lake. The mapping data (including structural, petrological, geochemical &geochronological) will enable a detailed geological history of the project area to be constructed. This will include timing of major events, including volcanism, plutonism and sedimentation, and subsequent deformation. The results will be presented in...

Licence #5104
Principal Investigator: St. Seymour, Karen
Licensed Year(s): 1985
Summary: (a) by employing petrochemical methods to delineate the chemostratigraphy of the Point Lake greenstone belt in the Slave structural Province and demonstrate its relationship with the Yellowknife volcanics; (b) chemically characterize and document the stratigraphy and tectonic style of the Redrock Lake volcanic belt....

Licence #5029
Principal Investigator: Dixon, O.A.
Licensed Year(s): 1985
Summary: To carry out a study of Lower Paleozoic stratigraphy and geological history of the Somerset-Cornwallis-Devon Islands region. This would include geological mapping, measurement of stratigraphic sections, and collection of rock and fossil samples for subsequent laboratory study....