3 record(s) found with the tag "stewardship" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Tulita Caribou Tradtitional Knowledge Study
Principal Investigator: Simmons, Deborah L
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: The research aims to address two broad objectives in applying TEK within co-management processes: 1) Develop tools for enhanced participation by Renewable Resource Councils and community members in research, policy development and management decision-making initiatives of the SRRB, drawing upon TEK within the community; 2) Strengthen the understanding among scientists and policy-makers of the nat...

Leadership Capacity and Cultural Landscape Management
Principal Investigator: Grieve, Anne Jane
Licensed Year(s): 2002
Summary: This research has been developed in full collaboration with the Deline Land Corporation which is sponsoring the research. The purpose of this research is to explore how the Deline Land Corporation can build leadership capacity for the long-term managemen...

Metal Levels in Fish from Lakes in the Dogrib Region Surrounding Rae Lakes
Principal Investigator: Stoddart, Melissa
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Summary: This project developed out of the community concern's about the effect that local contaminants may have on their health and well being. The objectives of the study are: to obtain baseline data on the level of metals in fish from lakes that are commonly used as traditional harvesting grounds; to deliver the results of the study to the community and address local contaminant concerns; to provide co...