Principal Investigator:McKee, Lorne Licensed Year(s):
2022 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5415.
The objective is to incorporate two existing seismic stations installed and currently operated by the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) into the Canadian National Seismograph Network (CNSN), where NRCan, through the Canadian Hazard Information Service (CHIS), would operate and maintain the stati...
Principal Investigator:Busby, Robert W Licensed Year(s):
2019201820172016201520142013 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4636.
This project consists of a large deployment of ground motion sensors (~270 total) throughout Alaska and western Canada; 28 located in Yukon Territory and 5 in the Northwest Territory. Each station senses the ground movement from distant earthquakes and sends data via satellite or radio modem to a central receiving poi...
Principal Investigator:Audet, Pascal Licensed Year(s):
2018201720162015 Summary:
This project is aimed at understanding the structure and evolution of the crust and mantle beneath Banks Island in the western Arctic by analyzing new seismic data collected from an array of broadband seismic stations. The objective is to provide information on crustal and mantle structures to determine whether Banks Island forms a rifted margin, or forms the northern extension of the Canadian Shi...
Principal Investigator:Audet, Pascal Licensed Year(s):
201820172016201520142013 Summary:
The objectives of this research project are: 1) to continue the detection and characterization of earthquakes occurring within the northern Canadian Cordillera (Mackenzie Mountains) and surrounding areas, which are one the most seismically active areas of Canada; and 2) to study the Earth structures at large depths (0 to 100 km) to understand the formation and evolution of the Cordillera. To this ...
Principal Investigator:Schutt, Derek L Licensed Year(s):
2018201720162015 Summary:
The Mackenzie Mountains EarthScope project (MMEP) is funded under the EarthScope program of the U.S. National Science Foundation. This project is collaborating with the larger EarthScope USArray project, which will be studying seismicity (earthquakes) and earth structure in the broader northwestern Canadian and Alaskan regions, and with Canadian researchers from several agencies including the Yuko...
Principal Investigator:Dallimore, Scott R Licensed Year(s):
2014 Summary:
Industry and regulators require information on seismicity and its effect on engineering structures both at a regional and local scale. The primary source of this information is the National Building Code of Canada’s Seismic Hazard Value map. Ongoing work undertaken as part of the 2015 revision of this map suggests that an increased seismic (earthquake) hazard exists in the Mackenzie-Beaufort area....
Principal Investigator:Snyder, David B Licensed Year(s):
2012201120102009 Summary:
This ongoing study will investigate the structure and composition of the Earth's crust and mantle to depths of 0-300 kilometres. The research team seeks better methods to characterize diamond reservoirs in order to make exploration more efficient and low impact.
Teleseismic observatories are sited in remote locations in either linear or rectangular arrays where they record distant earthquakes ...
Principal Investigator:Millman, Peter M Licensed Year(s):2007
Devon Canada’s Sahtu Gravity Survey, 2006 has been designed in an effort to prioritize the seismic data acquisition (seismic lines) for a joint Talisman-Devon seismic program proposed within the project area during the winter of 2006-07. The gravity survey is a reconnaissance tool that allows geophysical data to be acquired over a large area in a short amount of time, and upon processing and inte...
Principal Investigator:Bostock, Michael Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
The CANOE project will contribute to the understanding of the deep structure of the Earth by using recordings of distant earthquakes (from e.g., Japan, Fiji, Alaska, Mexico, Chile, Italy, Turkey). This is a collaborative research program involving scien...
Principal Investigator:Snyder, David B Licensed Year(s):2007
20001999 Summary:
The objective of this ongoing study is to investigate the structure and composition of the Earth's crust and mantle to depths of 0 - 300 km from sites in the Lac de Gras area. Methods are being sought to characterize diamond reservoirs in order to make d...