Principal Investigator:Vincent, Jean-Serge Licensed Year(s):1992
1990 Summary:
1. Sections along rivers and the coast will be examined to determine the nature of the sediments and their fossil content. 2. Sites on the mainland, sections on northwestern Banks Island, Sachs Harbour (Duck Hawk Bluffs) and Worth Point area will be visited and similar investigations undertaken....
Principal Investigator:Smith, Derald Licensed Year(s):1992
1990 Summary:
The Researchers will use ground penetrating radar to conduct surveys on the surface of the delta plains. The radar waves are similar to FM radio waves in their frequency. Measurements wll be taken every 1 - 2 meters in the sample area by placing fiberglass boards on the surface....
Principal Investigator:Elliott, D.K. Licensed Year(s):
This research project will involve the measurement and description of stratigraphic sections and the collection of rock and fossil samples for laboratory study....
Principal Investigator:Gilbert, Robert Licensed Year(s):
To undertake a survey of the nearshore environment, including collection of sediment samples, measuring sediment and rock layers, taking sea bottom soundings and water current measurements; to obtain a number of deep water cores from the fiord sea floor....
Principal Investigator:Ritchie, J.C. Licensed Year(s):
To examine and sample the unconsolidated sediments of various small lakes in an area surrounding Hyndman Lake (50 km. radius) ESE of Inuvik, for the purpose of making laboratory analyses of Carbon - 14 age, pollen stratigraphy and other microfossils. The ultimate objective is to reconstruct the past vegetation and environment of the area....