Principal Investigator:Giles, Audrey R. Licensed Year(s):
The research question is "how can on-the-land programming strengthen Sahtu residents’ ability to avoid the need for search and rescue (SAR) and their chances of survival if SAR is needed?"
The main objectives of this project are five-fold:
i) to provide youth with the opportunity to experience life on-the-land in a safe and controlled environment;
ii) to share traditional knowledge from elder...
Principal Investigator:Giles, Audrey R. Licensed Year(s):
The research question is "how can on-the-land programming strengthen Sahtú residents’ ability to avoid the need for search and rescue and their chances of survival if search and rescue is needed?"
The main objectives of this project are to:
1) provide youth with the opportunity to experience life on-the-land in a safe and controlled environment;
2) share traditional knowledge from elders to y...
Principal Investigator:Logie, Carmen Licensed Year(s):20212019201820172016
The purpose of this project is to evaluate two arts-based Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention programs that currently work with Northern Indigenous youth in promoting sexual health. The first program is FOXY (Fostering Open eXpression among Youth) in the Northwest Territories (NWT) and the second program is the Nunavut Sexual Health Drama Program (SHDP), in Nunavut. FOXY has been running...
Principal Investigator:Palacios, Carolina Licensed Year(s):
199219911990 Summary:
In its final year of research, information will be collected concerning how, where and why injuries happen in the N.W.T.. This research will aid the present health system in targeting specific concerns and improving intervention programs....