2 record(s) found with the tag "physiology" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Insect Parasitoids of High Arctic Woolly-bear Caterpillars
Principal Investigator: Morewood, Dean
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993
Summary: In order to study parasitoids of woolly-bear caterpillars, surveys will be conducted to assess the population of caterpillars, caterpillars will be dissected to collect immature parasitoids and as information about the parasitoids' life cycle as they develop within the caterpillars, and caterpillars will be collected to watch the development of the parasitoids within living `hosts' and to carry ou...

Polar Ecology Field Research
Principal Investigator: Curtis, Mark A.
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1989
Summary: The research scientists and graduate students involved are primarily interested in three topics in the aquatic ecosystems of the Igloolik region: (1) the species compostion of marine phytoplankton; (2) the cold adaptation physiology of polar cod; (3) the parasites of arctic char....