1804 record(s) found with the tag "physical sciences" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Licence #2135
Principal Investigator: McKinnon, G.
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To assess the short and long term effects of highway construction on the aquatic resources of three streams....

Licence #2134
Principal Investigator: Katopodis, C.
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: Topographic and hydrometric survey for the design of weirs to assit fish in entering culverts....

Licence #2130
Principal Investigator: Stutz, Craig
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To conduct an aerial survey of raptor nesting sites in conjunction with proposed dredging activities on the Mackenzie River....

Licence #2128
Principal Investigator: Wilkinson, Paul
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To determine the suitability of an area for possible National Park....

Licence #2127
Principal Investigator: Ladanyi, B.
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To determine if the Menard pressuremeter can be useful for testing the properties of ice covers....

Licence #2122
Principal Investigator: Muller, Fritz
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: Continuation of long term glaciology and climatology survey program, continuation of assessing environmental effects of North Water polynias....

Licence #2114
Principal Investigator: Sherstone, David A.
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To acquire aerial photography of hydrologic characteristics of ice break-up and movement in the Mackenzie and lower Liard Rivers. To acquire photography of river break-up and environmentally sensitive areas along the proposed Arctic Islands pipeline route from Churchill to Spence Bay. To acquire photography of specific glaciology research sites throughout the Arctic Islands (with emphasis on the...

Licence #2111
Principal Investigator: Wankiewicz, Anthony
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To study permafrost near Arctic streams at sites near Inuvik and several locations in the Keewatin. This study is to provide baseline information on coupled heat-transfer processes relevant to cold gas pipeline stream crossings. The ground temperature will be monitored at stream cross sections at the different sites....

Licence #2110
Principal Investigator: Hunter, J.A.
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To conduct geophysical measurements to determine the presence and extent of sub-seabottom permafrost at selected sites in the Mackenzie Delta area and the Beaufort Sea. The survey will consist of temperature, density, porosity and acoustic measurements of sea bed materials....

Licence #2108
Principal Investigator: Woo, Ming-ko
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To study snow ablation processes in a small Arctic basin in the vicinity of Resolute Bay, N.W.T. To relate the regime of stream flow to basin meltwater contributions and evaporation losses....