21 record(s) found with the tag "physical activity" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Cultural Safety of Physical Activity Programming for Aboriginal Elders
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2013
Summary: This project seeks to understand the impact of the Elders in Motion (EIM) program, which is a physical activity program developed by the Northwest Territories Recreation and Parks Association (NWTRPA), on past and current participants. It also seeks to understand the challenges that program facilitators and communities have faced in regards to implementing the program and how they have dealt with ...

Swimming Against the Mainstream: The NWT Aquatics Program 1967 - 2006 in Fort Simpson, NWT
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: Since its inception in 1967, the NWT Aquatics Program has brought aquatic leaders from southern Canada to Canada’s north to teach northern residents the importance of southern-based understandings of physical activity and water safety. In an effort to decrease high drowning rates, seasonal shallow water swimming pools were built inside NWT curling rinks and skating arenas, and waterfront areas wer...

Recognizing Difference: Dene Women's Changing Involvement in Traditional Dene Games
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: The intent of this research project is to study Dene women's involvement in traditional games and physical activity as well as the impact of menstrual traditions on these activities. Interviews with residents of Sambaa K'e and Jean Marie River and with s...

Sambaa K'e First Nation: "Traditional" Practices in Contemporary Sport, Games & Physical Activity Contexts
Principal Investigator: Giles, Audrey R.
Licensed Year(s): 2002
Summary: The intent of this research project is to study Dene women's involvement in sport, games, and physical activity as well as the impact of menstrual traditions on these activities. Participant observation will be used during by the researcher. Field notes...

Health and fitness: a comparative study of Canadian Inuit and Siberian Avenki
Principal Investigator: Rode, Andris
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: The 1993 activities in Igloolik will be to establish a cardiovascular risk profile for local Inuit by means of taking blood samples and constructing the blood-lipid profiles. These activities are part of an ongoing investigation of health and fitness levels in northern indigenous peoples. Dr. Rode is working with Dr. Pavel Vloshinsky of the Institute of Biochemistry in Novosibirsk: Dr. Vloshinsk...

Comparison of Lifestyle Habits and Fitness Levels of an Indigenous Population in Both Urban and Rural Settings
Principal Investigator: Squires, Bert
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The Canadian Standardized Test of Fitness will be administered to ascertain selected components of fitness. A modified version of the Campbell's (1988) Lifestyle Questionnaire will be administered to ascertain selected aspects of lifestyle. The researcher will determine if the lifestyle of the study participants is adequate or detrimental to their well-being....

Weber-Malakhov North Pole Round Trip Expedition 1992
Principal Investigator: Weber, Richard
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The Expedition members will ski to the North Pole carrying supplies in backpacks and sleds. Having reached the Pole they will retrace their steps back to Ward Hunt Island. They will collect data (snow and blood samples; fitness levels; sleep activity; stress levels) for several scientists during their trip....

Canada/USSR Transarctic Skitrek
Principal Investigator: Rode, Andris
Licensed Year(s): 1988
Summary: to study human adaptation to prolonged hard work under extreme environmental conditions; to stimulate public interest in fitness and sport; to study geomagnetic and other physical phenomena; to develop closer scientific and cultural cooperation between Canada and the USSR...

Licence #2611
Principal Investigator: Paraschak, Vicky
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To conduct a study to see how recreation programs are delivered to the community level. to achieve tis, municipal files will be examined, general interviews will be conducted and recreational activities will be observed in the communities....

Licence #2517
Principal Investigator: Scott, Harvey A.
Licensed Year(s): 1979
Summary: To research and document traditional native physical education and recreation activities. The study purpose is to complete books on the Inuit, Loucheux - Hareskin/Bearlake and Trans-Dene games for use in developing school curriculum material....