Principal Investigator:Byrne, Geraldine Licensed Year(s):
The Aquatic Effects Monitoring Plan (AEMP) and Sediment and Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) are requirements under water license MV2011L0002 issued by the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB). The objective of the AEMP is to monitor and identify potential short-term, long-term and cumulative changes throughout the Taltson River aquatic environment. The objective of the SEMP is to identify...
Principal Investigator:Curtis, Mark A. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct parasite counts on Char and assess the effect of the parasites on future harvesting of Char in a land locked lake....
Principal Investigator:Hatfield, C.T. Licensed Year(s):
To carry out a fresh water fisheries study, primarily in search for spawining areas. Some fish might be tested for parasites and mercury....