Principal Investigator:Tarduno, John A. Licensed Year(s):
For much of the Earth's history, the arctic has had a mild climate, quite unlike the conditions that now exist. Evidence that supports this past climate are fossil plants and animals (including crocodiles and tortoises) found in the arctic. The Earth's magnetic field has changed over time and these changes are contained in the fossils. This research will try develop a technique to age these fos...
Principal Investigator:Arnoldy, Roger L. Licensed Year(s):
Small fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field can be measured using induction antennas. These antennas are large coils of wire that are buried beneath the ground and placed in north-south, east-west and vertical directions. The measurements are recorded on an optical disc which can collect approximately one year's worth of data. One person will be on-site in order to check the accuracy of t...
Principal Investigator:Crook, E.D. Licensed Year(s):
The PEGSAT satellite will be put into near polar orbit, about 580 km altitute in early March. This small satellite contains two canisters of non-toxic chemicals which will be released during passes of the satellite over north-cental Canada. Scientist will tract the motion of the chemical in the Earth's magnetic and electrical fields with very sensitive optical equipment located at numerous ground ...
Principal Investigator:Weber, Richard Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
to investigate the nature of the magnetic field across the Arctic Ocean; to investigate the existence of a second magnetic dip pole...
Principal Investigator:Wolfe, Allan Licensed Year(s):
To install a fluxgate magnetometer and 30MHz riometer to provide new information on hydromagnetic wave and particle precipitation phenomena occurring under varying interplanetary and geomagnetic conditions. This location is slected because it is in the "conjugate" area to the United States station at South Pole, Antarctica....
Principal Investigator:Wolfe, Allan Licensed Year(s):
To install a fluxgate magnetometer and 30MHz riometer to provide new information on hydromagnetic wave and particle precipitation phenomena occurring under varying interplanetary and geomagnetic conditions. This location is selected because it is in the "conjugate" area to the United States station at South Pole, Antarctica....
Principal Investigator:Oguti, Takasi Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a study of the aurora borealis (northern lights) and its effect on the earth's magnetic field in the atmosphere and ground. Studies of HF waves may also be conducted....
Principal Investigator:Samson, John Craig Licensed Year(s):
To measure certain types of waves in the earth's magnetic field. The occurrence of these waves may be able to be used to predict the onset of difficulties in radio communication and navigation....
Principal Investigator:Young, G.M. Licensed Year(s):
A study of Precambrian rocks to provide evidence of the earths magnetic field direction in very early times....