Principal Investigator:Hopkinson, Chris Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
Collect airborne laser scanning data over biomass plots over NWT. Specifically to develop biomass and forest resource models for GNWT multi source inventory, and to assess how the resource is changing through time and in space due to climate and fire influences.
Airborne laser data coverage is calibrated by field plot data (most provided by GNWT) and models are created which are then upscaled t...
Principal Investigator:Schunke, Ekkehard Licensed Year(s):
Collecting observations and measurements of surface forms and surface processess, soils, permafrost, and hydrology....
Principal Investigator:Locke III, William W. Licensed Year(s):
The research will consist of obervations of glacial and marine land forms, examination and sampling of the soils formed on these land forms, and collection of marine mollusc shells for dating and analysis....
Principal Investigator:Scotter, G.W. Licensed Year(s):
1. To describe the geology, physical geography, flora, fauna and human history of the area; 2. To map and classify vegetation types and ecological units of the study area; 3. To identify outstanding features and areas that might be critical to the management of the study area; 4. To identify and propose boundaries for a preserve that might be recommended....
Principal Investigator:Bird, J. Licensed Year(s):
To measure and contrast, at different coastal sites, the mass wasting and denundational soil processes on the land surface and cliffs....