2 record(s) found with the tag "jack pine" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Jack Pine Forest Research
Principal Investigator: Osawa, Akira
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: The researcher will conduct research on jack pine forests along the highways in Wood Buffalo National Park and will also collect stem increment cores from black spruce trees around the latitudinal tree line near Inuvik. This research will consist of remeasurement of permanent plots, foliage distribution and light measurement, establishment of pruning experiment and stem core sampling near Inuvik....

The Relation Between Postglacial History and the Modern Genetic and Morphologic Diversity of Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana) in Western Canada
Principal Investigator: MacDonald, Glen M
Licensed Year(s): 1989 1988
Summary: Dr. Glen MacDonald and his team will be obtaining lake sediment cores, samples of pine needles, cones, seeds and tree-ring cores from 2 sites near Hay River. Fossil pollen from the sediment will be used to document the chronology of pine migration into the NWT following the last ice-age. The study will be used to understand postglacial history of northern plants....