Principal Investigator:Hoos, Rick Licensed Year(s):
The objective is to obtain sufficient baseline data to develop a lead and zinc mine adjacent to the old Pine Point property. The owl survey to identify species presence and breeding territories in the vicinity of the study area will include an evening broadcast-call program that will commence 0.5 hours after sundown to 0.5 hours before sunrise in April and May. This owl survey will target the Bor...
Principal Investigator:Webb, R. Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this research is to place automated instruments to measure the wind, temperature, water levels and wave height and frequency at or near a planned drill site for Shell Canada. These instruments will be installed and monitored during our visit to the site and then the instruments will be left to collect data until they are picked up on September 15, 1993. Bird movements and their ha...
Principal Investigator:Hawkings, James S. Licensed Year(s):
The populations of nesting birds will be determined in a selected number of plots that represent the various tundra habitats on the Yukon Coastal Plain. The selected plots will be surveyed on foot during the spring (June) to identify the most important habitats for bird species nesting on the coastal plain. This project has been approved by the North Slope Wildlife Management Advisory Committee....
Principal Investigator:Roney, Keith Licensed Year(s):1995
The Researcher will gather information by aerial reconnaissance to take photographs of nesting areas; a ground study by boat to photograph and take notes on the habitat of nesting birds; a library search for information on the Mackenzie Delta and will conduct interviews with local researchers and residents for additional information....
Principal Investigator:Morrison, R.I.G. Licensed Year(s):
This is a continuation of a project begun in 1986 to study year to year variation in breeding densities of shorebirds. The Researcher and team will determine which species of birds breed on the islands of the Foxe Basin, which habitats they use and how their numbers change from year to year. They are also interested in producing a map of the main wildlife habitats on the islands using satellite im...
Principal Investigator:Dickson, H. Loney Licensed Year(s):
To collect vascular plants to more clearly define the habitat preferences of the various bird species....
Principal Investigator:Goodman, Arni Licensed Year(s):
To conduct surveys to determine the conditions of historic land use sites. To conduct water shed surveys, habitat surveys, and to determine the success of last year's bird breeding. The purpose of these surveys is also to determine if the boundaries of the sanctuaries are appropriate for species management purposes....
Principal Investigator:Pattie, Donald L. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct bird census counts on various species to establish habitat areas and rate of return to breeding grounds....
Principal Investigator:Ouellet, Henri Licensed Year(s):
To conduct distribution and population studies of birds, land mammals and fish. Studies of the habitat of various species will be conducted. Banding of birds will also be undertaken....