Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):20001996
The researchers will examine three things. The first is areas of landform change since 1977. Landforms will be surveyed and sediment sampled in order to measure how much sand, silt and clay are in the deposits. Second, the researchers will analyze the sediment for different chemicals wihich originate from the Slave River and third, measure the elevations of channels along their entire length, me...
Principal Investigator:Skelly, William Chris Licensed Year(s):
Mr. Skelly will be looking at plants and their ability to reflect light to determine how they would look on a photograph taken from a Landsat satellite....
Principal Investigator:Lehn, W.H. Licensed Year(s):
To further study meteorological optics by photographic recording of land forms and their refracted images over horizontal lines of sight; measurement of refraction and horizon shift by theodolite; local surveys of the photographed land forms and observation sites....
Principal Investigator:Hawley, Vernon D. Licensed Year(s):
Aerial and ground sruveys of the bluenose caribou herd north of Great Bear Lake....
Principal Investigator:Whitney, Paul Licensed Year(s):
Survey all streams to be crossed by the proposed Foothills Pipeline, conduct aerial and ground surveys of rare and endangered species, and inspect all stockpile and comprssor stations and wharfing sites associated with the proposed pipeline for Foothills Pipeline....