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3 record(s) found with the tag "geomorphology" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Slave River Hydro Development
Principal Investigator: Wilbur, Steve
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This licence is issued for the scientific research application # 926. The goal of this river geomorphology program is to describe the Slave River’s channel landforms and sediment characteristics and assess the sensitivity of these river landforms to potential changes in stream hydrology. Field visits will include a reconnaissance flight via helicopter along the Slave River (from Fort Smith ...

Channel Morphology Studies: Slave River Delta
Principal Investigator: English, Michael C
Licensed Year(s): 2000 1996 1995
Summary: The field crew will live on the delta for approximately 8-9 weeks at a site established by the principal investigator in 1997 on Steamboat Channel. Transportation will be by boat. Three channels will be studied in detail. At each study site the researchers will measure the speed of the flow using an electronic velocity meter, measure the cross sectional profile of the channel with tape and rod ...

Geomorphological and hydrological research on valley formation in Arctic and subarctic environments
Principal Investigator: Schunke, Ekkehard
Licensed Year(s): 2000 1994 1992 1990
Summary: The researcher will measure discharge, run-off velocity, sediment load, dissolved load and microclimate parameters (air and ground temperatures, relative humidity, evaporation, precipitation and radiation) in small valleys of James Creek. They drive to the location in a 3/4 ton truck which is parked in an abandoned quarry near the road. They walk to their data collection sites. The observations...