Principal Investigator:Bourcier, Andre Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this project to discuss with the communities what their respective linguistic needs are and to propose a series of recommendations for linguists and cultural officers regarding their linguistic intervention in these communities. The first part of this study will be an assessment of the means made available to the communities by the authorities. The researcher will then try to determine...
Principal Investigator:Cayen, Liz Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of the study is to determine the current status of distance education in the Gwich'in Settlement Area, to analyse the existing education/training needs and to make recommendations about the use of distance education methods and strategies to meet those needs. This will involve surveying people who are presently or have recently pursued education through this delivery method. Data coll...
Principal Investigator:Wade, Bill Licensed Year(s):
The research involves collecting baseline data from previous and current distance education initiatives that the College has been engaged in and examining strategies employed by other educational organizations. In addition an needs assessment will be conducted in order to identify opportunities for program delivery via distance education technology....
Principal Investigator:Shimpo, Mitsura Licensed Year(s):
Due to limited time resources, the researcher plans to limit his study to doing consultative interviews with staff members of the GNWT Department of Education, Culture and Employment and possibly with staff members of Aurora College in Yellowknife. No research will be done outside of Yellowknife. This survey is part of a larger international 3 year research project sponsored by Japan's Nation...
Principal Investigator:Seddon, Laura Licensed Year(s):
The researcher is conducting a survey of all NWT researchers who received a research permit or licence under the Scientists Act, the Wildlife Act or the NWT Archaeological Sites Regulations in 1993. This survey will collect data on the nature of research activities, and the economic and educational opportunities provided to NWT residents as a result of these activities....