107 record(s) found with the tag "ecology" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Loche Liver Study
Principal Investigator: Thompson, Amy L
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: This licence is being issued for the scientific research application # 778. This research will examine the livers of Loche fish in the GSA. This research will be completed through: 1) field collection of loche in each of the GSA communities; 2) biological sampling of loche; 3) analysis of stomach health and aging (using isotopes). More specifically, biological measurements will be taken for ea...

Edaiila Traditional Ecological Knowledge Study
Principal Investigator: Nesbitt, Lorien
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: The objectives of this project are: (1)To collect traditional ecological knowledge of Edaiila with the elders of Déline; (2)To present this knowledge as a description of the current and historical ecology of Edaiila and as a rationale, from the Déline elders' perspective, for the protection of Edaiila under the NWT Protected Areas Strategy or, alternatively, under the Sahtu Land Use Plan. Charl...

K'asho Got'ine/Colville Lake Barren-Ground Caribou Traditional Knowledge Study
Principal Investigator: Simmons, Deborah L
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: The goals of this study are to understand the role of traditional knowledge on ecological change and barren-ground caribou resource management, identify traditional best practices for caribou stewardship, enhance knowledge exchange amongst Renewable Resources Councils and elders, and educate young people about the traditional relationship with the caribou. This research involves documenting tra...

Sensitivities of high-latitude lakes to climatic & development disturbances
Principal Investigator: Prowse, Terry D
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007 2006 2005
Summary: The objective of this study is to develop a hydro-ecological model for small Arctic lakes to assess the vulnerability of their ecosystems to disturbances, such as climate change or water withdrawal. To quantify geochemical loadings to lakes, a model is being developed by monitoring lakes and their contributing catchment (surface water flow). A climate station will be set up at 2 - 6 sites to mo...

Caribou impact assessment and monitoring guidelines
Principal Investigator: Lines, Stephen A
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: The objective of this research is to develop, using an ecology based approach, scientifically rigorous guidelines for impact assessment and monitoring of caribou for the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board and Nunavut Impact Review Board (the Boards). This is being done so that the information collected by proponents allows for more reliable differentiation between natural varia...

Rat River Char Traditional Knowledge
Principal Investigator: Millar, Nathan P
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: The objectives of the study are to document traditional ecological knowledge of Rat River char. Specifically, the researcher will be asking questions about: catch of char; biology of char (e.g., spawning, migration); fishing practices; fishing at the Rat River fish hole; observations on the land related to char; changes in the environment related to char; char predators - concerns and observations...

Arctic Red River Headwaters: Heritage Resources and Traditional Use
Principal Investigator: Benson, Kristi
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: The objective of this study is to obtain Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), including traditional use and place names information, related the headwaters of the Arctic Red River in preparation for a preliminary archaeological survey of the area. So far, the Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute (GSCI) has conducted a literature review and traditional use interviews on the area. Through these...

Climate Change Impacts on Canadian Arctic Tundra Ecosystems: Interdisciplinary and Multi-scale Assessments: Spatial and Temporal Variation
Principal Investigator: Siciliano, Steven D
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: Tundra ecosystems are known to be strongly patterned. Understanding how these patterns control carbon and nutrient fluxes is critical to successfully modeling changes in the tundra ecosystems. The hypothesis is that the geospatial relationship between soil carbon and nitrogen cycling with community composition controls ecosystem response to global warming. To answer this, the links between various...

IPY-SCARF: International Polar Year - Study of Canadian Arctic River-delta Fluxes
Principal Investigator: Lesack, Lance
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: The Arctic Ocean receives much higher river inflows than other ocean basins and this has major implications for sea-ice formation, for nutrient supply to the base of aquatic marine foodwebs, and for optical properties of ice-free areas and ice-pack margins via fluxes of dissolved organic matter and riverine particles. The Beaufort Shelf is strongly influenced by Mackenzie River outflows. However, ...

2006-2007 Biophysical and Reconnaissance Studies in the Sahtu Settlement Area
Principal Investigator: Hawkins, Jim R.
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: Several biophysical and engineering studies on the feasibility of a pipeline in the Mackenzie Valley have been conducted, and will continue in 2007. Local knowledge, scientific research, and existing technical information are being used to develop a knowledge base for environmental protection plans, engineering design and regulatory processes. Route and site reconnaissance will be performed by...