Principal Investigator:Harbicht, Stephen Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and his assistants will set gill nets in Kam Lake, areas IV and V of Great Slave Lake and Yellowknife Bay to collect fish samples for analysis to determine baseline levels of heavy metals in fish tissues....
Principal Investigator:Harbicht, Stephen Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and his team using gill nets will sample lake trout to determine the level of heavy metals in order to evaluate the bioaccumulation that has occurred....
Principal Investigator:Heeney, Phyllis L. Licensed Year(s):
Under the supervision of the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs, Government of the NWT, the researcher will identify quantities, types and locations of hazardous waste generation storage and disposal in the NWT as well as set up useable guidelines for the treatment, collection, storage and disposal of wastes in the Territories....
Principal Investigator:Viren, Tom Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will survey approximately 25 families weekly by using an interview/survey format to collect quantitative data. Participation will be entirely voluntary and all results of the study will be communicated to the community....
Principal Investigator:Summerson, Rupert M.V. Licensed Year(s):
1988 Summary:
Mr. Summerson and his team will collect snow samples for sulphates, chlorides, and nitrates analysis. They will measure levels of mercury in air, as well as graphitic carbon particles and pollen as an air mass tracer. Direct measurements of arctic haze may be taken using a sun photometer....
Principal Investigator:Tracy, Bliss Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Bliss Tracy and team will be travelling to Baker Lake and to Rae-Edzo, NWT in order to complete whole body counts of radiocesium on the local people. Radiocesium falls from the air onto lichens, and is then eaten by caribou and passed on to people. The researchers will measure how much radiocesium is in people's bodies. They will document how much caribou is eaten so that they can advise peop...
Principal Investigator:Edwards, Thomas W.D. Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Edwards is collecting soil samples from the bottom of a lake to determine what types of contaminants have settled from the air into the water. He is also collecting water samples from lakes, rivers, and in the ground to learn more about how rain water and melt water move through earth which has permafrost below it....
Principal Investigator:Kuhnlein, Harriet V Licensed Year(s):
In response to an earlier study that was requested by the Dene Nation on contaminants in loche and whitefish, Health and Welfare Canada and other agencies are sponsoring this study to find out what amounts of contaminants people are eating. Dr. Harriet Kuhnlein and assistants will be asking people what foods they eat and how much. Renewable Resource officers will collect samples of wild foods fo...
Principal Investigator:Stewart, D. Bruce Licensed Year(s):
To assess the commercial fishing potential of rivers near the head of Prince Albert Sound, Victoria Island, NWT, by placing in a live capture weir to count the fish running up Kuuk River, and by tagging and sampling the char. Also gillnet testing will be completed at Nalaogyuk and Kagluk Rivers. A number of fish from each site will be analyzed for pesticide and heavy metals....
Principal Investigator:Smith, B.Sc., Geoffrey M. Licensed Year(s):
1. To collect fish to obtain samples of muscle and liver tissue for heavy metal analysis; 2. To sample stream and lake habitat areas to evaluate fish species composition, density and habitat use....