1117 record(s) found with the tag "biology" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Licence #1908
Principal Investigator: Whitney, Paul
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: Survey all streams to be crossed by the proposed Foothills Pipeline, conduct aerial and ground surveys of rare and endangered species, and inspect all stockpile and comprssor stations and wharfing sites associated with the proposed pipeline for Foothills Pipeline....

Licence #1907
Principal Investigator: Kerbes, R.H.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: To conduct an aerial survey of nesting geese and the banding of geese....

Licence #1906
Principal Investigator: Tracy, A.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: A study of Eskimo art cooperatives to ascertain the role of the coop in Eskimo society. Will also collect moss samples for the geology department....

Licence #1896
Principal Investigator: Kershaw, K.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: To determine how plant communities in the northern boreal forest respond to burning or to protection from burning, their rate of recovery and the factors governing the recovery process, for Arctic Land Use Research Program....

Licence #1888
Principal Investigator: Prevett, L.S.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: A ground survey of bird habitat and a behavioral study of birds....

Licence #1887
Principal Investigator: Henry, J. David
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: An ecology and behavioral study of the Arctic fox....

Licence #1885
Principal Investigator: Lamont, Sheila
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: Ethnobotanical and Ethnozoological studies....

Licence #1884
Principal Investigator: Wood, D.M.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: A survey of insect species....

Licence #1880
Principal Investigator: Tripp, Derek
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: To determine the number of fish likely to be disturbed by water fluctuations, to study the relationship between fish, invertebrated and water quality, and to determine the causes of any fluctions for C.A.G.S.L....

Licence #1879
Principal Investigator: Webb, R.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: Monitoring the effects of seismic activity on caribou and muskoxen and to provide a preliminary overview of effects on wildlife of exploration drilling for Panarctic Oils Limited....