17 record(s) found with the tag "biology" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Tammerlane Baseline Studies
Principal Investigator: Hoos, Rick
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: The objective is to obtain sufficient baseline data to develop a lead and zinc mine adjacent to the old Pine Point property. The owl survey to identify species presence and breeding territories in the vicinity of the study area will include an evening broadcast-call program that will commence 0.5 hours after sundown to 0.5 hours before sunrise in April and May. This owl survey will target the Bor...

Environmental Assessment for the Fort Liard Area Seismic, Drilling and Development Project, Fort Liard, NT.
Principal Investigator: Antoine, Don
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: Nahendeh Land and Environmental Services proposes to conduct baseline studies on behalf of Anadarko Canada Corporation, to determine the presence or absence of fish and wildlife habitat in the vicinity of the proposed project. The wildlife program will consist of a literature review, which would document any information on wildlife populations in the general project area, and identify any data ga...

International conservation strategy for the endangered bowhead whale of Baffin Bay.
Principal Investigator: Finley, Kerry J.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993 1992
Summary: Since 1983, Word Wildlife Fund has supported research on the bowhead of Isabella Bay. This research, representing the first ever conducted on this species, has identified Isabella Bay to be one of the most important habitats for bowhead in the eastern arctic. The whales use the area to feed, socialize and shelter them from killer whales. The researcher will continue his study of bowhead behavi...

Assessment of Reindeer Range on the Belcher Islands
Principal Investigator: Henry, Gregory
Licensed Year(s): 1991 1990
Summary: In association with the Hunters and Trappers Association in Sanikiluaq, the Researchers will assess the extent and productivity of the range on the Belchers to estimate how many reindeer can be supported before they begin to damage the habitat....

Licence #2592
Principal Investigator: Bohn, Arne
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To conduct an assessment of the impacts of new mining and water discharge. The studies will include: - updating information on soil types and vegetation. - updating information on wildlife habitat. - updating information on water quality and fish habitat. - examining background levels of trace metals associated with Pine Point Mining activity....

Licence #2574
Principal Investigator: Hastings, Ross
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To study the area to determine how the climate affects the vegetation and how the vegetation in turn encourages certain types of small animal habitation....

Licence #2450
Principal Investigator: Ouellet, Henri
Licensed Year(s): 1979
Summary: To conduct distribution and population studies of birds, land mammals and fish. Studies of the habitat of various species will be conducted. Banding of birds will also be undertaken....

Licence #2361
Principal Investigator: Decker, Robert
Licensed Year(s): 1978
Summary: To carry out aerial and ground surveys of wildlife and wildlife habitat....

Licence #2269
Principal Investigator: Bouckhout, Leo W.
Licensed Year(s): 1978
Summary: As part of an evaluation of the Dempster pipeline route, an aerial survey to determine the geographic extent and numbers of barren-ground caribou wintering in Canada, as well as gross habitat use patterns of caribou....

Licence #2226
Principal Investigator: Bohn, Arne
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To inventory wildlife habitat and populations and assess the impact of mining activity on these and collect plant samples for heavy metal analysis....