10 record(s) found with the tag "biology" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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NTPC Bluefish Hydro Repairs
Principal Investigator: Panayi, Damian
Licensed Year(s): 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Summary: The objective is to describe the aquatic environment in the Yellowknife River between Bluefish Lake and Prosperous Lake as per the Fisheries Authorization and the Water Licence. This may include investigating aquatic vegetation, water quality and quantity, benthic invertebrates, fish and substrate. The results will be used to determine the most suitable means of fish habitat compensation or produc...

Ecological Assessment Field Work for Lue Túé Sulái (the Five Fish Lakes) Candidate Cultural Conservation Area
Principal Investigator: Haas, Claudia A
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2011
Summary: This project is to fill gaps in ecological information on a Candidate Protected Area while it makes its way through the NWT Protected Areas Strategy (PAS) process. This information will be used by the working group to make recommendations on final boundary and management planning for the area. The study will be done at the same time as a study on mercury in fish being conducted by the Dehcho F...

Baseline Data Collection, Yellowknife Gold Project, Tyhee NWT Corp.
Principal Investigator: Weagle, Ken V
Licensed Year(s): 2005 2004
Summary: The purpose of this fieldwork is to continue the collection of baseline data to support an anticipated application to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board. There are four main components in the 2005 program: 1) Air quality, climate and noise asses...

Active layer growth and groundwater chemistry, Daring Lake, NWT
Principal Investigator: English, Michael C
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002 2001 2000
Summary: The crew will fly from Yellowknife to the Tundra Ecosystem Research Station camp on Daring Lake from BHP (Ekati Mine) by helicopter. The research team itinerary consists of: (1) setting up the camp; (2) sampling all of the major streams flowing into Daring Lake for chemistry and instantaneous flow; (3) walking through several basins to decide on an intensive sampling site; and (4) installing dri...

Lichens as indicators of trace-element air pollution in the environment and environmental controls on plant species richness and composition along an arctic river
Principal Investigator: Gould, William
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990
Summary: Project 1: Small samples of lichens will be collected from approximately 20 sites located along the Hood River and analyzed for contaminants. Lichens are good indicators of the types of air-borne contaminants that have been carried north to the arctic since they absorb their nutrients from the air. Project 2: The researcher will examine plant communities along the Hood River in order to study th...

Implications of climatic change on water-based recreational activities in Nahanni and Jasper National Parks
Principal Investigator: Staple, Tamara
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: The research in Nahanni National Park includes the setting up of programs to monitor water depth and vegetational changes along the river. Changes in water depth influence the ability of navigating the river, especially in areas of rapids, and has implications on the level of expertise required by visitors travelling the river. Monitoring vegetation along the river will provide information about...

Vegetation Response to Global Warming in the Mackenzie River Basin: Interations Between Northern Boreal Forests, Wetlands and Regional Hydrology
Principal Investigator: Nicholson, Barbara
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The Researcher will map the present distribution of boreal and subarctic wetlands in the Mackenzie River Basin. Wetland vegetation and water chemistry will be described for areas immediately surrounding permanent weather stations. The ecological relationships between climate, wetland water chemistry and wetland species distribution will be analyzed. A predictive indicator model will be built to pr...

Licence #2578
Principal Investigator: Speller, Don
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To undertake an environmental field program which will include bird, fish, small and large mammals, plants, meteorology and hydrology studies....

Licence #2564
Principal Investigator: Sims, Richard A. Sims
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To conduct a low level (2000 ft. above groud level) a high level (30,000 ft. A.G.L.) aerial surveys of the reindeer rangeland. Ground truthing will also take place along with collection of plants, soil and water made to complete the study....

Licence #2429
Principal Investigator: de Graff, Dirk
Licensed Year(s): 1979
Summary: To study the over-wintering areas for fish. The study will include sampling of fish, water, plant life, and bottom sediments for population assessments and habitat analysis....