Principal Investigator:Perin, Sofia Licensed Year(s):
This study will be done by setting up 6 enclosures in a lake or pond. Two enclosures will be exposed to reduced UV-B levels, two other enclosures will be exposed to ambient UV-B levels, and finally two other enclosures will be exposed to enhanced UV-B levels. Regular measurements will be made of algae and invertebrates biomass, species composition, and pigment; and of algal photosynthesis and end ...
Principal Investigator:Nakayama, Tsunesuke Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
The researcher and his team will collect arctic marine life such as fishes, invertebrates and sea algaes in order to contribute to the conservation of marine environments, and deepen understanding of arctic marine life. Tokyo Sea Life Park has started research on breeding behavior and early life history of arctic marine animals, as well as exhibits in the Tokyo Sea Life Park of arctic marine anim...
Principal Investigator:Smol, John P Licensed Year(s):1991
The research team will sample approximately 20 lakes located within a 100 km radius of Tuktoyaktuk and within the immediate vicinity of Inuvik. At each lake they will analyze the water for major environmental variables and remove some of the lake mud for future analysis of algal remains....