Principal Investigator:Williams, Michael L Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The snowbird Tectonic zone is an enigmatic structure in the framework of the Canadian Shield. It is a linear zone on geologic maps stretching northeastward from the Rocky Mountains through Lake Athabasca to Hudson Bay. It was originally recognized on aerial surveys. It was clearly an important element in the construction of the North American continent more than 2 billion years ago, but interpreta...
Principal Investigator:Audet, Pascal Licensed Year(s):2019201820172016
This project is aimed at understanding the structure and evolution of the crust and mantle beneath Banks Island in the western Arctic by analyzing new seismic data collected from an array of broadband seismic stations. The objective is to provide information on crustal and mantle structures to determine whether Banks Island forms a rifted margin, or forms the northern extension of the Canadian Shi...
Principal Investigator:Lambert, R. St. J. Licensed Year(s):
To study the rock structures and determine the ages of the rock in the Canadian shield....