Reconnaissance of Cretaceous sediments for fossil vertebrate remains, southern Bylot Island, region of Strathcona Fiord (Ellesmere Island) and western coast of Amund Ringnes Island

Regions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: physical sciences, fossils, paleontology, vertebrate fossils

Principal Investigator: Russell, Dale A. (3)
Licence Number: 9071
Organization: National Museums of Canada
Licensed Year(s): 1989 1988
Issued: Jan 01, 1989
Project Team: eight (8) paleontological personnel

Objective(s): to visit the sites listed in the Reconnaissane ofCretaceous sediments for fossil vertebrate remains, southern Bylot Island, region of Strathcona Fiord (Ellesmere Island) and western coast of Amund Ringnes Island to prospect for fossil vertebrate remains

Project Description: Mr. Russell in the company of eight other paleontological personnel intend to prospect for fossil vertebrate remains in the area of Bylot Island.