The Relation Between Postglacial History and the Modern Genetic and Morphologic Diversity of Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana) in Western Canada
chercheur principal: MacDonald, Glen M (9)
Nᵒ de permis: 9012
Organisation: Department of Geography, McMaster University;
Année(s) de permis: 1989 1988
Délivré: janv. 01, 1989
Équipe de projet: Ms. K. Mcleod; Chris Hanks

Objectif(s): to obtain lake sediment cores, samples of pine needles, cones, seeds and tree-ring cores from two sites near Hay River; the sediment cores will be analysed for fossil pollen content to determine the chronology of pine migration into the NWT following the last ice-age; the pine samples will be analysed to determine the genetic and morphologic diversity of the pine stands; the study will be used to test hypotheses regarding postglacial history of northern plants and distributions of genetic diversity

Description du projet: Dr. Glen MacDonald and his team will be obtaining lake sediment cores, samples of pine needles, cones, seeds and tree-ring cores from 2 sites near Hay River. Fossil pollen from the sediment will be used to document the chronology of pine migration into the NWT following the last ice-age. The study will be used to understand postglacial history of northern plants.